Welcome to RPD Innovations

About RPDC

Cultivating an Innovation Ecosystem

RPDC is a national resource for commercialization of innovative research and development activities, where:

  • Academic and Industrial R&D Centers will bring the power of its innovative research to be translated into breakthrough technology
  • Industry will come to develop new technologies, ensuring the Kingdom’s diversified prosperity and vision 2030
  • Brilliant young Saudi minds will develop into practical science and engineering leaders to secure the economic future of the Kingdom
  • Saudi Arabia’s valuable, renewable natural resource—innovation and technology—will secure the future
  • Creating jobs for local talents

RPDC bridges the commercialization gap to enable the technology innovation ecosystem in Saudi Arabia. RPDC’s objectives are to:

  • Provide critical applications development capabilities that are required by Saudi-based industries and global companies in the Kingdom
  • Enable publicly funded research institutions to demonstrate greater economic impact from their research output
  • Generate a strong pipeline of investment-ready opportunities for existing companies, private investors, agencies, and investment arms of the Kingdom
  • Develop a culture of entrepreneurship through local workforce development and training in technology development and commercialization
  • Accelerate the creation of technology-driven industries in the Kingdom that support key national strategic priorities